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Scheduled Maintenance

Many thanks to all our lovely members who attended the members night on Saturday night, it was lovely to meet you and hopefully we will see you often at the club. Apologies if you missed out on attending, for future events we will be catering for larger numbers.


A special thank you to our members Kaixi & Cailin Zhang for supplying trays of delicious Sushi, which was gratefully received. We can recommend Okome for all the Sushi lovers out there.  

Maintenance Work

May and June


We would like to apologise for any disturbance when visiting the club this week. We have undergone some work to improve the drainage on the small slope and while the work is going on we have taken the opportunity to smooth the surface and replace with new matting, which is scheduled to finish next week.


Future scheduled work includes -


The Freestyle Slope will be out of commission between the 10th and 21st of June due to cleaning and resurfacing. Work like this is difficult to plan at anytime of the year, and these are the dates that Snowflex could schedule the work. We are committed to continual maintenance and improvements of all slopes and hope the disruption will be worth waiting for a clean and fast freestyle slope.


The Bar/Cafe will be closed from the 17th of June for 2 weeks. The work will involve moving two pillars from behind the bar and extending the bar around towards the window. This will give us more space to offer more variety in the future. Over the summer we will refurb the decor, so we hope you will enjoy the refreshed look in the cafe.


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