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Updated Guidance when visiting the centre

Dear customer,

Thank you for your ongoing support of Glasgow Ski & Snowboard Centre club. It is imperative that you read this document before attending. We have been given many directives to ensure a safe operational facility during the Covid-19 pandemic. Ultimately, we need YOU to be on board with all our guidelines. Please adhere to the following : HANDS FACE SPACE


When entering the building everyone must use the hand sanitizer machines. There are three public machines, the top of the stairs, door of the bar, and in the ski store.


Customers aged 12 years and above must wear masks inside and outside the facility boundaries, unless on the slopes participating in an activity. Once past the car park, and within the grounds of the Club, inside and outside, parents must wear masks.


Limited Spectating

Spectating must be kept to a minimum.No spectating should take place other than where a parent or carer is supervising a child or vulnerable adult” We are trying to uphold this guidance without ruining a lovely experience for all concerned. Parents and guardians are therefore required to adhere to the following -

1. 1 parent/guardian per child can access the facility only if necessary, however ideally participants will be dropped off and collected.

2. Please DO NOT touch or lean on the barrier pads lining the slope. Stand back from the barriers.

3. Do not gather in groups and keep your distance from other customers in and around the facility.


We have made the following decisions in order to limit footfall throughout our facility, we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, however our priority is to ensure the slopes stay operational –

1. Bar available for “take out” only and access is not guaranteed.

2. There are no changing facilities, the Ski Store is open for equipment only.

You are receiving this update due to the fact that you are or have been recently taking lessons at the club. Please let us know if you wish to be removed from receiving messages at any point.

Thank you for your support.

Julie Vinter

Centre Manager


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